One-way traffic resumes at Daunne after 17 hours

Nawalparasi East, Mar. 5: One-way traffic has resumed in the Nawalparasi section of the East-West highway, which was blocked since Sunday night after the road turned greasy following Sunday’s rainfall. 

One-way traffic has been operating in Daunne since 11 am, according to the District Police Office, Nawalparasi.

The movement of vehicles became easier after the highway began to dry as the sun shined on Monday morning. As the construction of the highway was ongoing, the problem compounded after many heavy trucks were stuck in the muddy diversions made in different places.  

The problem occurred after trucks were stuck in the mud in the Ganar River between Arunkhola and Chormara, said police. 

“There is a long traffic jam as the 12-wheeler and 16-wheeler cargo vehicles got stuck in the mud and could not be pulled back,” the police said. 

After Sunday’s rain, the East-West Highway was blocked from 7:00 pm last night due to muddy roads. 

There was mud up to one metre on the southern road section near Daunne and the highway gets muddy and greasy when it rains, said police. 

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